Saturday, November 1, 2008

Loads of Laughs!

Here is the latest off of the Halloween Laffy-Taffy:

What do you call a Nun that sleepwalks? A Roamin' Catholic!!

Why did the chicken cross the park? To get to the other slide!!



Kristi said...

Those are great! Here is one for ya.

Two olives were sitting on the table. One fell off onto the ground and the other olive yells down to him "Are you okay?". He replied "Ol-ive".

Ha ha ha. Isn't that the best! I thought you would love it. :)

Michelle said...

I like the turkeys walking around your blog! I want to go to Canada! :) Like I could handle the cold HA. Did you see the dorky picture of your brother on my halloween post? Hee. He is a mess! Love ya, Michelle

Erin Fanello said...

Did you write those?

Emily Vickery said...

Mom those were kindof like Ian's made up jokes where he is the only one laughing...j/k I always laugh at my own jokes because no one else does! I remember Thomas s. Monson saying that if you want people to like you you should never laugh at your own jokes. oh-well. thanks for being a life saver today. The Icecream was great, but it was also so nice to be able to rant and rave to someone who understands my craziness. Thanks again, ems