Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I, too, wanted to say how much I loved Conference! Is it possible that it was the best one ever? I am sure I say that every time, but it had so many incredible talks that I can't even comprehend how they knew all that I needed to hear! I am always so sure that they should just preface every talk with "Dianne, you need to..." They all seem directed to me! Amazing! I was especially grateful for the counsel that was given on how we need to keep going even though we live in perilous times, because a time of peace and unity is just around the corner. I needed to hear that. I was also impressed how many talks were encouraging people to just hold on through the challenges and trials that come in their lives. It was made more evident to me at the Olive Garden that a night. This really cute 30 year old guy was waiting on us and he was so fun. We all got talking and he indicated he had served his mission in St. Louis and that he was now living in Salt Lake. He somehow gave us the impression that he was divorced so when he came back I said "Are you opposed to being set up on blind dates?" (I am an incurable matchmaker) He said "No, actually I am open to the possibility." Ashley was kidding with him and said something like "You're not burned out on love?" And he said "Actually, my wife was killed in a car wreck 2 years ago and I have a 7 year old daughter and a 2 1/2 year old son." (Oh yes, Dianne is now crying in the Olive Garden!) I asked him if he had heard Conference that day and he said he hadn't, he'd been working. I told him that several of the talks were about dealing with trials and challenges that come our way. Things that we would of never dreamed would happen and when they did we wondered if we could live through them. Yet, somehow with "tender mercies" we make it through. It never fails to amaze me how much people go through and how they overcome with Heavenly Fathers' help. So, if any of you know a single lady in Salt Lake, we found a cutie for her!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Yalls conferences sound like ours. They are such a great time of encouragement and make you feel so good. I love it every time!