This came to me in the middle of the night last night when I couldn't sleep. I think because I do things like this is why I can't sleep! My husband was out in the shop working on one of our vehicles and I went out to see him. I saw his boots and jeans hanging out from underneath this truck so I mosied on over to bug him. I started walking my fingers up his leg right about around his kneecap. I got right up about to the top of his thigh (the very top!) when all of a sudden---our hired man comes shooting out from under that truck. His eyes were the size of silver dollars!!! He yelled "Dianne Poulson!" and I yelled back "Murray Kendall!" and we both yelled "What are you doing???????" It was real similar to the scene in "E.T." when Drew Barrymore and E.T. run into each other in the closet and are screaming at the top of their lungs! To this day we laugh about it, but I often wondered why he waited so long to come out and see what was going on!!!

To funny! I have had a similar experience. But instead I smacked the mans bum who I thought was my husband! Wow was I embarrased! Glad to see we all have our embarrassing moments!!! You are to cute! How's your family doing? How's harvest going? Busy Busy I'm sure!! Take Care! :)
Did you teach me my english and how to spell????? I can't seem to spell *embarassing" "embarrassing" anyway you get my drift...
No, you just went to Aberdeen like my children did! (Although I don't know what my excuse is!) Dianne
I can't ever spell remember or because, it is always remeber and becasue! What's with that???
I jut keep laughing at this story and this picture! It cracks me up.
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