Friday, October 10, 2008

"H" is for HYPOCRITE! (And also Humility and Hilarious)

Why is life such a great humble-er?? We have had our exchange students for a month now and they are great! Kada is very responsible and Louise is very light-hearted. In fact, she laughs at almost everything! A few times she has even gotten the giggles during prayer! So, I, being the "mean mom" have given her the lectures about how we are reverent during prayer and how we don't laugh out of respect for Heavenly Father etc. So, last night we kneel down for prayer and Ian is going to say it and someone started to laugh and I say very "sternly" "We don't laugh in prayer, and I mean It!!" All of a sudden, I can hear Fessic (Andre the giant in "Princess Bride")saying in my ear "Anybody Got a Peanut??" The next thing I know, I am on the floor laughing so hard (in the middle of the prayer) that tears are pouring down my face, w/ 3 kids staring at me like I am loco! Needless to say I now know I have no clout in this family!!! With good reason, I might add! I have been h-u-m-b-l-e-d! :D


Kristi said...

That is too funny! We just had FHE on being reverent during the prayer at our house, so I am glad Grandma wasn't there for that one. ;)

Why does it seem to happen that way? I was telling Kennedy not to hit her brother and then a few minutes later I threatened Xander with a spanking. Kennedy says "Mom we should not hit our brother even when he has done something wrong." Thanks for the slice of humble pie Kennedy.

If it makes you feel better, I would have laughed with you.

Ashley said...

This really cant surprise you? I mean you basically have yelled out whatever is going on in your head during prayer since I can remember! "modesty" I dont know if I would have even noticed, I would have just thought to myself "thats mom for ya" It reminds when DAD of all people started laughing in the middle of Davids prayer:) It happens to all of us:) Humility is the fastest answered prayer hands down. In my experience!

Erin Fanello said...

Laughing in the prayer is not really a rare occurrence in our family! I remember when that german elder gave the prayer and he said, i his german accent, "dear Heavenly Fahter" (something like that) but it sounded so much like farter, and this is probably the most disrespectful story of them all but I could not stop laughing because it caught me so off guard! Anyway, I know once we all get started we can't stop especially when the bladder starts to get involved!

Vicki said...

This reminded me of when Kristen came to stay with us for a while and she was just starting to talk. We were praying and she said "sh_ _". Three pairs of eyes (Michelle, Jeromy and Byron)turned to me like what are you going to do. They couldn't believe it. Of course she was so young and exposed to words they never said.