Monday, January 22, 2018

I Am Confused!

2nd Post for Marriage Blog:

I must admit, this week the subject matter, same-sex marriage has got me a little confused!  Not about what I believe, my testimony is firm about that. However, I find it a little disturbing as we talk about same-sex attraction or same sex-marriage, that when I picture the people who feel so strongly about it,  I remember that they are my brothers and sisters.

We were all in the prexistence together, and that they are beloved children of our Heavenly Father.  I know we all come down here with different issues and just because that is not mine, doesn't mean they are not wonderful people.  As I look at the pictures of all of my grandchildren, will I love them any less if they are gay?  That is an issue facing more and more LDS people, and although I know the doctrine will never change, it causes us to feel love on a different level.  Last semester, we had to look at 3 videos about families that had sons that decided they were gay, but besides that, they had the exact same dreams and goals as my family. And they all served and loved the Lord. (They didn't act on it) It is a reality for many LDS people.

 I was fascinated by the four Supreme Justices who did not vote for the gay marriage issue, and I absolutely loved their reasoning why. 

It was about not having OUR rights violated by 9 people who decided they could change the Constitution of the United States and represent us, without having the majority of the people's support.  Talk about inequality?

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