When I was up in Canada, my cousin asked me something to the effect "So, what exactly have you done with your life?" (Like, basically have you done anything???:) It's hard to explain the LDS lifestyle and all the involvement we have whether teaching, speaking or Scouting. Our callings are such a wide ranging, ongoing profession! So, not wanting to promote myself (or maybe not being able to think of anything!!!:D) I turned to my darling husband, who above anyone else in the world knows that I never watch TV and I never sit down!, and I say
"Honey-what have I done in my life???" And this precious man who I have been married to for many years (and who I am supposed to be with for eternity...)says....."Well, she blogs." What??? I Blog??? The sum of my existence for 29 years 5 months 3 weeks and 6 days is that I B-L-O-G??? OH, MY!!! Needless to say that was the topic of conversation from Saskatoon to Lethbridge-only about 400 miles! We laughed really hard! But it has kind of got me pondering on my choices and why I have done what I have done! We came back to the farm after Scott's dad had his bleeding ulcers. I was in the nursing program and Scott was in the Ag/business program at Brigham Young University. When his dad was so sick we stayed on the farm and started our family. Back in those days we did not drive to Pocatello more than once every two to three weeks-now we drive it 2-3 times every week-so the option of finishing school was not even considered. Plus, after having my children, I could of never, never left them with anyone. (I like being fully responsible for their warped little personalities!) But the truth of the matter is, I l-o-v-e-d being a MOM! I loved keeping my home organized, canning, cleaning, sewing, serving others and being involved in the gospel! I loved getting the opportunity to teach lessons and give presentations! My favorite calling at this time is teaching Gospel Doctrine Class and speaking every month with Scott in a different ward. It has truly been time consuming and totally rewarding! It is not something that I ever thought I would of done, but it has been great! I went to Idaho State several years ago and totally loved it, but to not be available when my children needed me or when they had babies and needed my help was the down side. I also felt that being away from Ian and Aspen was not fair to them since I was not reachable when they needed me. The house was clean, the meals were cooked and Scott's shirts were ironed, but mentally I was not home! I always had my head in a book studying! So I have decided that when Aspen graduates, she and I are going to college together! We can be roommates! My daughter dedicated this song to me once and I love it! It's called "Patiently"and I so appreciate its words:
She is not the picture on the magazine,
She's the woman just behind you in the checkout line.
She may appear to be common-- but she mystifies,
In all the ways the wisest men and children understand.
'Cause she has eyes that sparkle with her love,
And she has a smile, that's as gentle as a dove.
And no woman in a movie or an ad, could ever hope to be...
As beautiful as She.
She is not a highly honored diplomat--
Held responsible to lead the world to peace.
But what she does is every bit as serious--
In the turmoil everywhere that will never cease.
'Cause she has hands, that wipe the tears away,
And she has a voice that makes everything o.k.-
And no woman from the papers or t.v. could ever hope to be--
As incredible as She.
And it breaks my heart every time I see her wonder,
If she means anything in this world that pulls her under.
And she doesn't always see the way that Heaven smiles above her-
That's the reason why I try to always tell her-that I love her.
'Cause she might not be known for giving millions
to the charities and auctions on the news.
But I believe she's given more than anyone-
For all the times she's ever had to choose...
To give up sleep, to rock her children every night-
And give her heart to always hold their dreams so tight.
And the best that you or I could ever hope to be...
is as wonderful as She.
And the best that you or I could ever hope to be...
is as wonderful as...
I'm not sure she meant it to make me cry every time I have heard it since!! (Thanks Ems!)
Once you get away from your comfort zone where other people do not feel the same way, it is hard to explain what a joy it has been to be a professional MOM! But when I was playing with Bo and Hunter a couple of days ago, Hunter climbed up into my lap, placed his nose against mine and with those great big crystal blue eyes of his, looked right down into my soul!! That is when I knew if I had to choose again, I would still be "Just a MOM!" I am so grateful to my husband for being such a good provider for our family and for working so hard for us that I could stay home with my kids and my grand babies.....and B-L-O-G!!!
Aunt Dianne... that made me laugh! I think to myself each day, I would be missing all the little things with my kids if I had to work. I am SO thankful Zach works bookoo hours a week so I can be home (haha, or going 100mph getting things done outside of home) with the job I want so much, to be a wife and mom. Thank you for this post! I think you had done a great job! I am glad you had such a great trip! I am my mother's daughter... where are the pictures of you with the family in Canada? Hee. I wanted to go by your dads grave when we were in Canada but we didn't have time to make the drive over. I am glad you got to go. Love, Michelle
God called us to be the best mom we can. You have done, and continue to do, an awesome job!!! What a blessing it is. But thank goodness you do blog these days so I can keep up with your family! :) That song is just beautiful. What an honor! Love ya sis, Vicki
Hey I blog too! That is a funny story because I am sure that is the exact thing Derek would say. :)
You of course do and have done lots of things and I know that you might not feel that way, but it is so true. I am always amazed at how well you serve others. You are so quick to do it. I have been the recipient of this and I am so grateful. You have been such a great teacher to so many and have made so many people laugh. I know this is cheesy, but it is true and that is why so many love you.
Yes you blog and you are great at it! Keep doing it for my sake.
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