Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday, Tina!!!

Today is Austin's birthday! I can't believe that he is 21 years old already! He is serving on his mission in Tucson, Arizona. He only has 3 more months of his two years left! I was due with Austin on October 17th and the harvest crew was placing bets on when I would have him. Some said it would be the 25th, some said Halloween and then Scott's brother Jack walked up and said "I think you're going to have him Nov. 11th-my birthday!" I remember thinking "It will be a cold day ...when I have that baby 21 days late!" Well, guess what? It was a cold day when I went into labor on November 11th! I swear the last 21 years went faster than those 21 extra days! Anyway-we're proud of our baby and what he has become! "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always- as long as I'm living my baby you'll be!"

1 comment:

Vicki said...

When I think of Austin I think of you changing his name after he was a few days old from Brandon. :) You are the only person I know that has ever done that. :) I'm positive he is as awesome as the rest of your children as he was raised to know the Lord. I hope he gets a blog site too one day so I can know him too. Isn't this a funny world!?! Happy Birthday Austin...love ya!

By the way...today is also Byron and Carlee's anniversary!