Friday, October 10, 2008

My final embarrasing moment....

This was a toss up because I thought everyone knew this story, but today my daughter Emily said she had never heard this before so here it is...Scott and I had been married 2 years and Derek was a year old. I was bathing and Derek was in the bathroom with me getting into everything: the toilet, the cleaning stuff under the sink and even the bath tub. I had my glasses on, but because they kept steaming up, I took them off. (I am close to blind) I heard the front door open and realized that my husband was home for lunch. I scooped Derek up and marched right out into the kitchen to give him to his dad so that I could finish my bath in peace. I walked right into the kitchen and hand this mischievious little boy to his dad, when all of a sudden it dawns on me there are two outlines of bodies in my kitchen! (Keep in mind that I am really blind!) The first one is my husband....the second one is....MY FATHER-IN-LAW! And I am buck naked in front of both of them! I can't remember if I threw Derek at them and ran or if I used him as a shield till I could get back to the bathroom. Needless to say I was mortified! (I only cried about 3 hours) Several days later, I went down to Grandma and Grandpas' house and I knocked several times, but no one answered. I figured they just hadn't heard me knock so I went on in...just in time to see Grandpa...buck naked...walk from the bathroom to his room!! Needless to say, turnabout is fair play! Every once in awhile Grandpa assures everyone that he and I know each other v-e-r-y w-e-l-l. :D If he weren't such a gentleman, this would of plagued me for years, but he is such a great father so it never really embarrassed me again!


Vicki said...

You have some really great ones. I have none as great to compete!! Once I married your brother I just try to stay one step ahead of him. :) Of course I did have the tp outing with you and that was bad enough. :)
Love ya, Vicki

Emily Vickery said...

Did you really try to corrupt Aunt Vickie by taking her to tp?;) This weekend will be fun and maybe I will actually get to spend time alone with my mom! I think you are great even though your stories are pretty embarassing- I'm glad I was too young or not even born to remember any of them! hahaha

Tara said...

Wow what an embarrasing moment! That is to funny! I guess what goes around comes around! :)

Erin Fanello said...

Ha ha, I knew about the first part of the story but not the second part, I would say you know each other like the back of your hand...or rear, whichever:)

Springer Family said...

Your blog gives me a good laugh. I love reading all the funny/embarrasing stories.

Dianne said...

Erin-even when we turn the other cheek...we recognize each other!!!
Love ya! MOM