Friday, October 17, 2008

I feel G-R-E-A-T!

Sorry if this blog is going to sound braggy, but I feel great! I have been able to start exercising again, and have just been walking around the block with my friend Eleanor. (Keep in mind that our blocks are 4 miles long, not a typical city block!:)) She has not been able to go lately so I have been going on my own. I am now up to walking half a mile and running half a mile-total of walk 2 miles and run 2 miles! For those of you who know me, you'll know I've always loved to run. I thought those days were behind me with my foot surgery and all that, but maybe not. My foot has been bothering me and I thought for sure I was destined for another surgery, but the Dr. said it was just an inflammed nerve, gave me a huge shot of something inbetween my toes (OWIE) and said that should take care of it. After two days, I think it does feel better! The chiropractor put my hips back in place after my trip off of the horse and I am not so bow-legged anymore! Can I just tell you how good it is to feel like I'm 49 and not 99???? Hopefully, if I keep at it, I'll feel 39 before too long! Our exchange students have helped me immensely too, in the fact that Katharina (From Germany) started Weight Watchers a few days after I did! (She didn't need to, she just likes to eat healthy) Can I just tell you that Germans don't cheat!? It has made me want to do so much better because she is so diligent at it! It is tonz more fun to have someone to diet with than to do it on your own-plus it keeps you honest! Louise (Our Swedish girl) is a whiz on the computer and is patiently, although laughing the whole time, trying to teach me how to do all of these things on my blog. She honestly can't believe it when she shows me something and 2 seconds later I can't remember how to do it! Does she really think I would be this dumb on purpose??? (But I can figure out the vacuum better than she can ;D) All in all, life is good, not to mention that I get to talk to all of my kids every couple of days! (Except Erin-she's an elusive little thing!) So, sorry if I sound boastful, but life is G-O-O-D!


Michelle said...

Hey Superwoman! :) You sound great! Are you going to have mom and Aunt Janice on one of those excercise bikes on the cruise? Good luck! I love you!

Kristi said...

I am so happy for you! I hope your feet cooperate with your desire to run for a long time. :) I am glad you are feeling great and I am hoping some of your excitement will rub off on me. (A girl can dream can't she?)

We love and miss you!

Kristi said...

That picture reminds me of a story. Something about you flexing your muscles in your sleep.... :) I don't know all the details, but I think Scott does. Ha ha love ya!

Dianne said...

Kristi-you have a much better memory than I do! I had forgotten about that! That was funny-it was right after I started lifting weights!! Those were the days.... D

Vicki said...

You sound great and are an inspiration. I'm totally glad you are feeling so great......ENJOY IT!!! :)
Love ya, Vicki

Alli said...

Hi - I've been peeking around your blog a little and thought I'd better make myself known. You do know me - maybe. I'm Carl and Marge Sivula's oldest daughter. Your daughter Emily is friends with my great friend, Trina and I just started hopping and discovered your blog. Anyway, I check it out every once in a while and always leave with a smile - so thanks!!

JulesandBriPoulson said...

I am so glad to see how happy you are and how good you are doing! You are such a cute mom and grandmom! You have great kids too.(how great you get to talk that often!)