Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just for fun...

I, too, find these little info games intriguing. So, let's share our 3 most embarrassing moments (keep it clean:)) and see who can be the most diverting!(What's it from?) I tag Kristi, Erin, Ashley & Em. You all know mine so I won't bother to share...they are a little too racy if you ask me!


Michelle said...

Oh come on... I love your stories... I was cracking up reading your comment on Kristi's blog! Give us your best 3! I am still trying to decide what quirks to post!!! You would have pee'd in your pants if you had been in the car with Mom and I yesterday... did she tell you last nt on the phone? Well, she rode with me to pay my car insurance note (I have a hate relationship with the mailbox apparently) and I hopped out of the car and walked into the office. I noticed 1st thing that they had this new really nice L shaped desk where there had not been one before... still I took my envelope to the gal and explained why it was late (the hurricane of course right?) all for her to stop me and tell me that I was in the ReMax realestate office and my insurance company was one office over... so I was of course embarrassed cause I have been rambling to her but what killed me was when I walked back out and my mom was laughing so hard as she watched me go there and was curious how long it would take me to notice... it might have been a had to be there moment to get the affect but I hurt from laughing so hard. Then Colby started laughing at me too... maybe I should start mailing my bills when they come in to avoid the embarrassment! Oh well, we needed the laugh!

Vicki said...

Michelle gives me so many opportunities to laugh. We would be in trouble if the three of us were together. I too would be very excited to hear your 3 most embarrasing - that should be some list. If you don't post it be prepared to tell it on the cruise. :)