Saturday, October 20, 2018


This week in my Family Advocacy class, we have been studying about socialization.  Socialization is all of the experiences we have in our lives that shape us into whom we have become.  They can be positive or negative, life changing or inconsequential. But all of them add up to the sum total of whom you are and whom you can become.  Think about what you think has shaped you into you!

 For instance, do you have your mother's eyes?

We are a product of our genetics and our life experiences.  That is well and good for all of us who grew up in fairly normal homes.  (I say "fairly" normal as what fun would life be without some dys-'fun'ction, right?)  So how do we accept what socialization has done to and for us?  If your life experiences have been positive, then you accept them as positive influences.  But if they aren't, are we just subjected to their influence, unable to undo what we have become?  I say "No!"  We are not destined to stay as we are if we have a desire to change!  We have the Atonement of Jesus Christ to influence us for good.  
(See youtube clip  "Following Jesus" in the blog below)

We can find peace and serenity in this life.

Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can feel close to our Heavenly Father,

 And where once the world seemed dark and dreary,
the light will break through.

We were not sent here to be victims, but to overcome the challenges and trials that life has put in our way.  We will be able to become what the Lord knows we can be.  The effects/affects of socialization cannot be permanent when we have faith in our Savior.  Life is good and I am blessed!

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