Tuesday, September 25, 2018

"Neither is the Man without the Woman, nor the Woman without the man, in the Lord" 1 Corinthians 11:11

Journal LO2 Elder Christofferson
While reading, take notes of the sections that most leave an impression on you and write down answers to the following questions in your journal:
§  What doctrines did Elder Christofferson share that explain why marriage is between a man and woman?
In 1 Corintians 11:11 it says; “Neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man, in the Lord.”  This scripture was on my marriage announcement and I truly believed it!  Today, a telemarketer called me on the phone and said: “Is the head of the house there?”  I said: “There is no head of the house here, we are just husband and wife and are both the head.”  I am sure he was less than impressed.  

After reading Elder Christofferson’s talk,

I reiterate the same thought.  In Heavenly Father’s plan, a man and a woman are meant to form the head of a marriage partnership, and then be sure to add in Heavenly Father’s presence, as Dietrich Bonhoeffer stated.  In the Proclamation, the full purpose of marriage and families were outlined and all answers can be found within the words of that great article. 

The Father’s plan needed several aspects to be fulfilled.  
One, the earth needed to be formed for man to inhabit it. 

Adam and Eve were sent down here to make choices and to be expelled from the garden and therefore receive their “free-agency”. 
The Savior had to be sent to redeem us from Adam and Eve’s fall. 

This set the stage for all of us to come down to earth, be given our free agency, and the opportunity to rely on the Savior and his Atonement. 
And then we were given the opportunity to come back into the presence of God. I can see now why none of the new options such as two men or two women forming a union will work because the play cannot be fulfilled with those components.  This is Heavenly Father’s big plan, and he has determined what the rules will be.  We cannot change them just because the louder voices of the people call to vote them away.  The plan cannot be altered on the whims of the people.

§  Why do you think it is important that we study this talk at the beginning of the semester as opposed to the end?  I think it was so important for us to read this talk at the beginning so that we could reaffirm what we know to be truth-The Lord’s truth.  Even I had to be reminded with this talk why the plan is set up how it is and why it cannot be changed.  These are God’s truths and they are the same yesterday, as they are today, as they will be tomorrow.  He does not adjust his plan for the changing times.
§  How well do you think that the average Latter-day Saint understands the doctrine or the "why" of the family?  
     I thought I understood it quite well, but this talk had to remind me of some fundamental truths I had forgotten. That is why we have talks, lessons and Conference to remind us of truths we have forgotten or have become blurred.  I love that the Lord is always ahead of us, and the world, in his preparation and knowledge.  It is so clear and perfect to understand!

§  Using doctrine, how would you articulate to a fellow Latter-day Saint, "I am in favor of marriage between a man and a woman because ..."?

The Lord gave us the Plan of Happiness or the Plan of Salvation.  It involves men and women coming to earth and finding one another and forming a union.  Together, they work through their salvation by making choices and repenting of them when they are wrong.  Through repentance, we can purify our lives and help us to become worthy to return to Heavenly Father and live with him for eternity. None of this can be done without a man and a woman working together.  Through same sex marriage, the purpose of marrying to procreate and bring children to this earth would be thwarted.  We must follow the plan as it has been set up by our Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. “The eternal importance of gender and of eternal marriage can be properly understood only within the context of our Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness. Emphasizing the institution of marriage without linking it adequately to the simple and fundamental doctrine of the plan cannot provide sufficient direction, protection, and hope in a world confused about these vital issues.” (Elder David A. Bednar, Increase in Learning, p. 154).

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