Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's about time...

I am here in Denver with Mark, Ashley and Hunter waiting for Brigham to arrive on the scene. Ashley and I are both having contractions so we think it won't be long now... (It's a long story) Ashley is so darling, but her whole body is so skinny with this tummy sticking out in front! Similar to Jon and Kate Plus Eight... We are excited but think it will still be a couple of days. We went and took Hunter to the Dr. today as he was coughing and unable to sleep. They said he was fine, so Ash got him his 3 shots he needed. Ash was brave and didn't cry, Hunter did pretty well and Grandma was a basket case! I know it is all good for them, but the older I get I cannot stand to see anyone hurt-especially my grandkids. The Dr. thought I was a little bizarre, I should of explained to him that I even cry in Tinkerbelle nowadays! Oh the joys...We will let you know when this precious little boy arrives!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Thanks so much for the post. We are waiting anxiously to hear the great news! So glad you are there with Ashley. I go with my grandkids for their shots also. Michelle definitely takes after you because the shots are VERY hard on HER. :)