And it was! We hope you all had a great Christmas! We are writing this in retrospect as our computer just got out of the shop and hooked up today! I still have not figured out why I can't accept that Christmas comes and goes so quickly! It is such a wonderful time of year and I wish it would just slow down a little. We had a great time preparing for it and I was excited for a few of the gifts that we had prepared. One of them being that we ordered blankets for our exchange students. I have a darling little lady who makes these blankets for us. She is 92 years old, but everytime you order quilts from her she about does cartwheels around the room! She does about 52 queensize quilts per year and she marks them, quilts them and binds them herself. She also makes 30-40 baby quilts, too! She is a precious, precious lady and I love her dearly. Anyway, we picked out a hot pink color for Louise and a royal blue color for Kadda.
Della, my little lady, then drew a picture of the United States on them and then quilted them. I was really excited to give them to the girls. My kids all have one of their own and they take them everywhere with them. Derek sleeps with his everynight!
Christmas to me usually gets summed up in one thing that happens along the way. It is not something that can be planned nor expected. It is not something that can be bought at the store, but it usually touches me deeply and brings in the true Spirit of Christmas. One year it arrived when a slightly handicapped family came to our home in matching sweatshirts and striped woolen stocking hats and sang Christmas Carols for us. This year it happened on Christmas Eve. I was getting dinner ready in the morning for later that evening (and was scarier than all get-out) when the doorbell rang. I almost didn't answer it because of how I looked, but I did and there was Bishop Thurston. He had something large in his hands and he said "I made this for you and your husband for all that you do for us in the Stake." (Mostly my husband) Then he proceeded to give me the most beautiful handmade wooden mirror that I had ever seen!
It is probably 2 X 3 feet. I was so touched by his thoughtfulness, that I started to cry! (Not helping how scary I looked) I told him "Now I have two men that make me cry with the wonderful gifts they give me!" It was not the gift that touched me so much as it was so sweet to picture someone laboring long hours to make something so beautiful for us. It's not like he has extra time as he works long hours at his own profession, but he is also a wonderful Bishop, which also takes alot of time. I am so grateful to think of him making this for us and for his sweet wife for allowing him to take the time to do it. I know it was a sacrifice on her part also. It made me think of Jesus and also his father Jospeh who were carpenters by trade. I picture them lovingly creating works of art out of wood in their little shops. And it also makes me think of the greatest gift we have been given and the reason that we celebrate Christmas, the birth of our Savior.
"It happened, oh, so long ago, in a time I can't recall,
but His spirit spans the years and comes to me.
A far greater thing than battles, or when mighty kingdoms fall...
When a carpenter came out of Galilee.
He taught the people simply, in a way that touched their souls.
He opened the eyes of men so they might see.
And the precious truths he taught them, and the simple acts of love
have come down to touch the hearts of you and me.
It's the greatest gift the world has known,
for the Savior to come down and guide us home.
With His simple heartfelt plea...
As He said "Come, follow Me."
He showed us all the way to go,
then lived it perfectly.
They took the man, this carpenter and nailed him to a tree.
And He suffered pains no mortal man could bear.
As He took upon Him all our sins, in the place Gethsemane.
I hope someday to understand the prefect love He shared.
Now, I've got the chance to show Him. The gratitude I feel,
and I'll go and spread the word to all I know.
With angels to uphold me and precious truths revealed
I'll share this testimony in my soul."
I am so grateful for my knowledge of the Savior, although I feel that it is just the tip of the iceberg. I want this year in my life to be dedicated to getting to know Him better, and deciding to follow Him better and to exemplify Him better! (so much better!) I guess there is no time like the "present" is there!? If I could do these things, it would be a "Happy New Year" indeed. Maybe my Christmas mirror will only reflect the person He knows I can be...;)Thanks to many people out there, who because of your examples, make me want to (and know I can) be better! Especially to my lovely children, who teach me so much and are so willing to let me know when I am off base! :D "I have no greater joy than knowing that my children walk in righteousness." (Daughters & Sons in-laws, too!) I hope 2009 brings us a little closer to our goals and to Him.
Della, my little lady, then drew a picture of the United States on them and then quilted them. I was really excited to give them to the girls. My kids all have one of their own and they take them everywhere with them. Derek sleeps with his everynight!
Christmas to me usually gets summed up in one thing that happens along the way. It is not something that can be planned nor expected. It is not something that can be bought at the store, but it usually touches me deeply and brings in the true Spirit of Christmas. One year it arrived when a slightly handicapped family came to our home in matching sweatshirts and striped woolen stocking hats and sang Christmas Carols for us. This year it happened on Christmas Eve. I was getting dinner ready in the morning for later that evening (and was scarier than all get-out) when the doorbell rang. I almost didn't answer it because of how I looked, but I did and there was Bishop Thurston. He had something large in his hands and he said "I made this for you and your husband for all that you do for us in the Stake." (Mostly my husband) Then he proceeded to give me the most beautiful handmade wooden mirror that I had ever seen!

"It happened, oh, so long ago, in a time I can't recall,
but His spirit spans the years and comes to me.
A far greater thing than battles, or when mighty kingdoms fall...
When a carpenter came out of Galilee.
He taught the people simply, in a way that touched their souls.
He opened the eyes of men so they might see.
And the precious truths he taught them, and the simple acts of love
have come down to touch the hearts of you and me.
It's the greatest gift the world has known,
for the Savior to come down and guide us home.
With His simple heartfelt plea...
As He said "Come, follow Me."
He showed us all the way to go,
then lived it perfectly.
They took the man, this carpenter and nailed him to a tree.
And He suffered pains no mortal man could bear.
As He took upon Him all our sins, in the place Gethsemane.
I hope someday to understand the prefect love He shared.
Now, I've got the chance to show Him. The gratitude I feel,
and I'll go and spread the word to all I know.
With angels to uphold me and precious truths revealed
I'll share this testimony in my soul."
I am so grateful for my knowledge of the Savior, although I feel that it is just the tip of the iceberg. I want this year in my life to be dedicated to getting to know Him better, and deciding to follow Him better and to exemplify Him better! (so much better!) I guess there is no time like the "present" is there!? If I could do these things, it would be a "Happy New Year" indeed. Maybe my Christmas mirror will only reflect the person He knows I can be...;)Thanks to many people out there, who because of your examples, make me want to (and know I can) be better! Especially to my lovely children, who teach me so much and are so willing to let me know when I am off base! :D "I have no greater joy than knowing that my children walk in righteousness." (Daughters & Sons in-laws, too!) I hope 2009 brings us a little closer to our goals and to Him.
I am so glad you had a great Christmas! I love the story about the mirror. Aren't people wonderful? Our downstairs neighbors showed up on our doorstep with presents for all of our kids and then came and played for an hour. It was so thoughtful and kind and I was left feeling so blessed and happy.
I have missed you in the blogging world and I hope your computer doesn't die again for a long long time. :) Kennedy does love her grandma Dianne and cries for you on a regular basis--no offense, but it is getting really old. :)
We miss you tons!
I loved the poem and your desire for 09! Like Kristi-I'm glad you are back. SEE YOU SOON! YEA!
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