Sunday, December 28, 2008

Academy Awards!

On Christmas Eve, we had a blast re-enacting the Christmas Story from the Bible! What a cast we put together, with Dianne as the narrator, Scott as the Innkeeper, Ashley, Mark and Hunter as Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus. Next we had Louise, Kadda and Aspen as the Three Wise (wo) Men and Ian and Cambell as the Shepherds abiding in the fields. Emily and Joel played Elizabeth and Zacchariah with Bo as the Littlest Angel. We started out in Luke and read until each person was mentioned. Then the characters stepped forward and introduced themselves and the part they played in the Savior's birth. Can I just tell you how many costumes you can make from bathrobes, tablecloths, scarves and precious jewels? (and rabbit fur-Louise's creation!) After that we sat down and read a story about a German boy and how the Christmas Spirit found him and taught him the true meaning of Christmas. We then exchanged our "Secret Santa" gift -it was really fun! Scott gave Joel a flashy pair of Nike Gym Shorts, Dianne gave Ashley the soundtrack and video to "Mamma Mia", I also wrapped up a super surprise for Ash, she had lost her red cell phone back in September and we had not seen it since. When I went out to get a box to wrap up a present, out flew this red cell phone. I wrapped it up and gave it to her for Christmas Eve. It was fun to see her face! Joel gave Ian a lantern and a book, Mark gave Scott the movie "Get Smart", (Is that a hint?) Emily gave Louise a CTR Ring and a beautiful scarf (Which I picked out!), and Ashley gave Kadda a skull sweater (it's cuter than it sounds!) Louise gave Emily a beautiful pink wallet from K-Mart (Anybody know where that is????) and a Bath and Body incense warmer. Kadda gave Aspen a CTR ring that she, and Louise and I went in on-yes it was a little pricey! She loves it! Ian gave me a pair of sweater boots that were such a surprise when we found out that one boot was a size 6 and one boot was a size 8 and that they were both right feet! (NO, not the right feet, the right feet!!!!!!!!! Get It?) Needless to say, I was a little bummed out... Aspen gave Mark a goose caller and a candy bar and Sam (Our dog) got a box of Milk Bones! All in all it was a fun evening! We helped the elves do the stockings and ended up getting in bed around 2:00 am. Why do old people do that? We woke up about 8:00 am to find out that we were out of power. It went off at about 5:30 am and was off about 6 hours. We unwrapped presents by candle light and had junk from our stockings for breakfast! It was a fun time!!!


Vicki said...

Oh my that sounds like so much fun! I would of loved to of been there (except for the power out :) ) Great job!!! Love ya, Vicki

Michelle said...

Glad you are back!!! I missed you! Love the updates. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas with everyone! Love, Michelle

Captured by Erin said...

I really liked your post about Austin, it made me so excited to come and tarnish my otherwise clean criminal record:) I really missed being with you guys over Christmas, it looks like you guys had a lot of fun, next year for sure! I love you, sorry about your knitted boots, I looked for them here and didn't see any, sorry. Hope you can find something you like just as well! I love you and miss you!

Michelle said...

I can't believe how fast my kids are growing up. Bittersweet in a way! So much fun!
Picasa is a free program off the internet that I use to edit my pictures. On version 3 there is a new feature where you can write anything on the picture! I LIKE it! :)
Love ya, Michelle

Kristi said...

I laughed until I cried at your video on the coaster. I have watched it three times and keep laughing! Thanks for that. :)

We are glad you had a fun Christmas. We missed you. I had to hear about it form Kennedy many times! :)

Ashley said...

Hey Mom- Thankyou for the fun Christmas time. We enjoyed our stay, even if Cambell never sleeps. Hope you have a happy new year!

Nicki said...

Okay, I'm a blog stocker. How are you doing? Your family looks great and so do you. It's fun to see everyone so grown up. Have a great New Year.

Ashley said...

Hey mom! Thankyou for the fun Christmas and the yummo Christmas dinner. It is always perfect and you are a great cook. I am sorry if Cambell kept everyone awake; but I'm pretty sure he had strep because we got what he had later and it was awful. Poor little guy. Anyway, thanks again and i promise we'll not be sick for Christmas next year!

Ashley said...

MOM we are on the internet at the same time! it makes me miss you. We had so much fun being home also it could not have gone better I dont think! I was hoping you were going on the cruise this weekend so I could have seen you:( Thanks for calling me zany that is a fun word! I cant believe how good you were to stick to the menu during the holidays! I told you could trust me (you did not get home with any Hebrew hotdogs:) love ya erin) Its going to be so fun when we go to Maine. I think I will tell Mark after we get the tickets:) love ya so much you are the greatest mom in the whole wide world!! If you were in my relief society you are def who I would sit by! Happy new Year!

tiffani said...

Hey, Nicki told me how to find you! Yeah!!! I hope that is ok. You know I love your family so let them know I am now checking out all of your blogs!! Your Christmas looked like it was wonderful!

Dianne said...

Wow-from that picture I would say I was a-lot "bummed" out! Maybe the camera was on wide angle???