Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Salvadore called from Salt Lake last night after undergoing surgery all day. He reported that they rebuilt his lower leg and pinned him together in 3 places. Even more amazing is that he has feeling in his feet and can move his toes! I guess the bonus yesterday was that they found he had a pulse in his foot so that the blood supply had not been severed allowing his foot to "live".
Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. Even our cute little German exchange student, who has not prayed before said "I prayed for him last night!" Thanks Kada!


Vicki said...

That is an awesome praise report!! I had my mom praying too. Thanks for the great report.

Love ya, Vicki

Ashley said...

Mom I like all the cool additions to the page! I sent you a rose and I wanted to send you more but they only allow one :( before I even read your comment I wrote "i think i can i think i can" and you did too! great minds do think alike. by the way the annonymous dead rose does not count who cares what that person thinks! Im so glad that guy is okay that is definately a miracle. p.s. mark is still reserving dad a spot in his jail cell;)

Ashley said...

p.s. im going on my cruise sooner than you arez:) and I cannot watch your kids when you go:) :)

Kristi said...

That is so wonderful! I am very glad to hear it.

Louise said...

I could send more but then I got accused for sending her the black one which I didn't. By the way Katharina is so nice!

Das KAdda said...
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